Shana Worthen
History of Medieval and Early Modern Technology
University of Toronto, Toronto. Canada
University of York, York. UK
Smith College, Northampton, MA. USA. Publications
"Eyeglasses and Sunglasses"; "Windmills"; "Time, measurement of". "Smoked and Mirrored in the Foods of Fantasyland". Proceedings of the Oxford Symposium on Food and Cookery 2010 "Historical Recipes". Annotated. Viewpoint: The Newletter of the British Society for the History of Science. Spring 2011. "Early Medieval European Agriculture"; "Early Medieval European Industrial Technology"; "Early Medieval Christian Historical Thought". In the World History Encyclopedia (ABC-CLIO, 2011). "The Influence of Lynn White, Jr.'s Medieval Technology and Social Change". History Compass.(June, 2009).
"Structuring the Mechanical Arts"
"The Invention of Agriculture." "On Mills and Meaning" in Wind & Water in the Middle Ages: Fluid Technologies from Antiquity to the Renaissance. Steven A. Walton, ed. Penn State Medieval Series, 18. (Tempe, AZ: ACMRS, 2006). "Technology in Middle Earth" in J.R.R. Tolkien Encyclopedia. Michael Drout, ed. (Taylor & Francis, 2006).
"Medieval Approaches to the History of Metalwork."
"Craftsmen and their Spectacles in the Later Middle Ages."
"The Late Medieval Consequences of the Apparent Atemporality of Hourglasses." Book Reviews
"Review: Ferguson - Pythagoras: His Lives and the Legacy of a Rational Universe."
"Review: Hannam - God's Philosophers: How the Medieval World Laid the Foundations of Modern Science"
"Review: Engammare - L'ordre du temps"
"Review: Glick, Livesey, and Wallis - Medieval Science, Technology, and Medicine: An Encyclopedia"
"Review: Frugoni - Books, Banks, Buttons and other Inventions from the Middle Ages" Teaching Experience Highlights Lecturer, HIS 4301 "History of Technology", HIS 1311 "World Civilization I", and HIS 3313 "Renaissance History". Taught online using WebCT and Blackboard. University of Arkansas at Little Rock. (2007-Present). Part-time Lecturer, "Media Histories", "Interpreting Media", "Introduction to Research Methods", "Approaching Culture". Canterbury Christ Church University. (2009-2010) Lecturer, PPR1112 "Key Skills." A research skills and essay writing class. Middlesex University. (Fall, 2006). Instructor, HPS 201 "The Origins of Western Technology." University of Toronto. (Fall, 2003). Plus a variety of teaching assistantships. Invited Talks
"Visualising Time in the Middle Ages."
"Dials and Deities: the Faces of Time in the Renaissance."
"The Early Uses and Meanings of Eyeglasses." Recent Conference Papers
"The Mechanical Arts and Le Pç²›erinage de Charlemagne"
"Bespectacled, Curly-Haired, and Opinionated: Technology and Symbolism in Matham's Tabula Cebetis (1592)"
"Like Sugar and Stirrups: Polydore Vergil and the Problem of Unknown Inventors"
"Smoked and Mirrored in the Foods of Fantasyland"
"Stew in Context"
"Organizing the Mechanical Arts"
"An Urban Spectacle: The Craft of Theater in Medieval Histories of Invention"
"The Invention of Agriculture." Other Presentations
"The Technology of Tolkien's Middle Earth."
"Isis Inventrix: An Egyptian Deity in the Middle Ages." Academic Service Vice-President. Member, Board of Directors, AVISTA. (July, 2005-Present). (AVISTA) Secretary. SHMTS. (Jan, 2010-Present. (SHMTS)) |